

Wednesday 2 July 2014

What Are the Most Difficult Video Games of This Generation?

God of War III

A huge part of the enjoyment of playing a video game is the experience of breezing your way through the campaign and just enjoying the story. However, many gamers that I've known over the years simply don't take advantage of difficulty levels, and are satisfied with beating the game once. Go ahead and play some multiplayer if the game offers it, but I dare you to complete even one of these games on the hardest difficulty.

One extremely challenging game is God of War III. This God of War series follows the story of Kratos and his quest to take down the Greek gods of Olympus. Many view this game as the best in the series, and also the most difficult. You shouldn't struggle too much on your first playthrough, but on 'Chaos' mode (the hardest difficulty level) you'll want to throw your controller out the window.

Enemies attack without mercy, recover immediately, and do insane amounts of damage! In my opinion, one of the hardest fights in the game is one where you defend your family from endless waves of Kratos clones. It just keeps going and going without mercy. In addition, the already challenging boss fights become even harder, so get ready for a long, frustrating challenge.

Dead Space 2

The first Dead Space was a pleasant surprise, that was fairly challenging and had plenty of jumpscares to freak us out. Dead Space 2 still has the horror aspect, but its generally less creepy and more deadly.

First of all, you'll actually have to use other weapons besides the plasma cutter this time around. It's still a great overall weapon, but ammo is very limited and there are situations when other weapons come in handy. Even on normal mode, certain portions of the game can be a struggle. The final boss is an especially frustrating fight.

Once you've unlocked the 'Zealot' (very hard) difficulty, that's where the game starts getting ridiculous. Enemies are extremely tough and take you out in just a couple hits, but at least you have the comfort of save stations. If you're crazy enough to take on the 'Hardcore' difficulty, you'll have to beat the game on Zealot difficulty with only three saves total!

Lost Planet

How can I best sum up the awesomeness that is Lost Planet? I won't hesitate to say that it's one of my favorite shooters of this generation, because you get mechs, giant enemies, awesome weapons, and a good storyline all in one package. The multiplayer gameplay was absolutely terrible, but the campaign is nothing short of epic. On normal, Lost Planet was an extremely enjoyable experience. After beating the game, I thought I was hot stuff and jumped for the hardest difficulty -- Lost Planet immediately became one of the most frustrating gaming experiences of my life.

So just how difficult is it? Almost every boss battle in the game pits you against some type of giant monster or a powerful mech, on the hardest difficulty you almost always have to take on enemies that are 10 to 100 times your size while on foot. Also, the artificial intelligence is cranked up to an insane level that hardly ever misses and deals a lot more damage with each hit. As an example, it took me at least 30 tries to defeat the first boss on the hardest difficulty, and I actually gave up after losing to a late game boss around 50 times.
Devil May Cry 4

In Devil May Cry 4 you control a new character named 'Nero.' He carries a sword like Dante but his demon powers are contained in his arm which can be used to grab enemies from a distance. Around halfway through the game, just when you're getting used to his style of play, the game forces you switch over to the iconic 'Dante' from the previous games. You might think that the difficulty would reset slightly at this point, but well...you'd be wrong.

The good news is that Dante is much more powerful than Nero, but he's also much less graceful in combat, which makes the rapid transition a shock. If you've never played the Devil May Cry series before, then you're in for quite a few beatdowns until you get used to controlling this new character. By the end of the game you basically have Dante mastered, but you then have to take control of Nero once again. This back and forth character switching alone makes DMC4 a tough game.

The thing that makes this game truly difficult however, is the extreme level of play required to defeat the higher difficulty levels. I managed to breeze through 'Devil Hunter' (Normal), but then things got ugly fast in 'Son of Sparda' (Hard). I did eventually manage to beat it on that difficulty, but I was utterly worthless on 'Dante Must Die' (very hard). I hardly even want to mention the 'Hell and Hell' difficulty where you always die in one hit and enemies maintain the very hard level. Just beating the game on Dante Must Die requires insanely fast reaction speeds that only a select few have.

The Devil May Cry series has always been a challenging one, and many say that Devil May Cry 3 is one of the hardest games of all time. However, the fourth entry in the series is no cakewalk. If you haven't played this game, you can pick it up on the cheap these days, and action game fans won't be disappointed. The combat is addicting, the boss battles are epic, and there's a ton of replay value here.

Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

While the Wii isn't exactly known for its selection of "hardcore" games, Sin & Punishment: Star Successor is a brutal test for even the most accomplished gamer. This on-rails shooter relies on quick reflexes and solid Wii remote pointing skills. The game is fun to play on the normal difficulty, but going for a high score or switching over to hard makes it a nightmare.

While this game isn't exactly going to go down as one of the all-time greats, it does provide an excellent challenge thanks to its wild and chaotic gameplay. There are so many enemies and bullets flying around the screen that it's often hard to tell what's going on. On hard mode, you should expect to die over and over again, to the point where it's just funny. The sad thing is that you can't even complain about the controls, because this is how an on-rail shooter is meant to be played.

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